Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bali Passion Mystery

I just completed this quilt. I pieced it 5-ish years ago and finally got back to it this month. I had to put borders on it and then quilt it. Let me just say that I am fascinated with the design!

I purchased this quilt as a kit (two kits actually that I put into one project) on a Park City retreat with a couple of friends -- Deb and Thereasa. I had brought a quilt that I was hand quilting for Thereasa while they were making jack-o-lantern quilts. We took a little jaunt into Heber to the quilt store where I found this kit. It was all precut and everything. I sewed it up within a few hours and then it sat until now.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Orphan Tumbling Blocks

This little orphan just got quilted last week and bound today. It isn't anything fancy but it's DONE! I won this little top at Annual Meeting a few years back. Chalk another off the list woohoo!