Jessi shows us her cat quilt. It was made in Feb of 2006 at our retreat in Altamont. I quilted it a few months later and will post a photo later. The quilted virsion... ...and the back.
This project was a round robin that began at Ruby's Inn. Kaye Evans put a group together and I signed on. We were to each make a certain number of the same block, swap them, and bring our completed quilts to Ruby's Inn to show the next year.
Ok, this was made probably when Jolynn was 4ish -- probably in 1997-ish. Lorna had taught us to applique the apples with invisible thread at quilt guild. I went home determined to make a full project out of everything we "started" in quilt guild. This was the one and only quilt that ever evolved from that idea. It is a wallhanging. The apple tree pattern came out of a quilt book of which I can no longer recall the name.
> More memories still... This little project was my first trapunto piece made in Sharan Schamber's trapunto class several years back. It is her pattern. I do not recall the year I completed it.